is it? |
Tendons are what let you bend and straighten
your fingers. In a sense, you operate your fingers by remote control -
the muscles which move your fingers are located up in your forearm, not
in your fingers.
The flexor tendons are smooth,
flexible, thick strings which bend your fingers - they look a bit like
clothesline rope. They work like a bicycle brake cable to bend your fingers,
sliding in and out of the finger as it straightens and bends. If a flexor
tendon is cut in half, the end connected to the muscle is often pulled
back into the palm - no way to heal on its own. This is a very precision
mechanism, and it doesn't take much to gum up the works. Even a cut only
part way into the tendon can be a big problem. |
The most common and difficult problem that
people have after a tendon injury is stiffness - losing the ability
to either fully bend or straighten the finger - which can be permanent.
This is a possible problem for anyone who has had a flexor tendon injury.
Surgery and other special treatment is usually needed to make this as little
a problem as possible.
caused it? |
Most often, flexor tendons are damaged from
a cut. Fingers have special creases which let the skin fold when you make
a fist - at these points, the tendons are just beneath the skin,
and are easily injured by even a small cut in the skin.
Less often, flexor tendons may tear or be
torn off the bone by a sudden pull against a strong grip, without tearing
the skin.
can you do to help? |
Ice, elevation, and have it checked out by
a doctor. If the injury involved a cut, medical evaluation is particularly
important - to check whether or not a tetanus shot, antibiotics or other
treatment is required, even if stitches aren't needed.
After injury, if surgery is needed, there
is a limited amount of time to operate and get the the best possible result.
Surgery delayed for more than two weeks has less of a chance of having
a satisfactory outcome.
can a therapist do to help? |
Surgery is only half the battle for this problem.
Therapy is a necessary and essential treatment for most people recovering
from a flexor tendon injury.
Special hand therapy usually involves making
one or more custom splints, performing and supervising special exercises,
and making the hand feel better in general.
successful is treatment? |
It depends on many things - getting
full motion back is less likely if
there is a nerve injury or a broken bone next
to the tendon injury
there is a long healing period before surgery
the person is prone to thick scars
the damage was caused by a crush injury
there are problems participating in hand therapy
after surgery
The location of the injury also
has a big influence on how well people recover after surgery - cuts in
the fingers don't do as well as those in the forearm. These locations are
referred to as "zones", as shown in this diagram. The areas shown in red
are referred to as "no man's land"
- because stiffness is such a common problem after injuries in this area. |
In addition, there are many other factors
which can also affect the odds of having a good result versus a stiff hand.
After a flexor tendon injury, most people
lose some movement in the finger, despite all efforts. It really takes
everything going in your favor, including luck, to have a full recovery.
However, if all goes well, the hand will work better after surgery than
if surgery were not done, and that's the reason for doing it.
"I'm upset. It's been
months since my surgery and my finger is still stiff and bent. When is
it going to be normal?".
Reality check: Many finger flexor tendon
injuries do not sound all that bad, but in fact present a terrible problem
- technically difficult to repair, requiring an extraordinary amount of
therapy, and often not resulting in a full normal perfect recovery. You
had a serious injury. Your finger may never be the same as it was before
the injury. However, it will be better than it is now, and you will adapt.
Recovery of function is more related to your brain's ability to adapt than
your finger's ability to bend. That's how people return to productive,
satisfying lives after having half of their hand blown off. After a serious
hand injury, motivation to get better is critical: the more you work on
your own recovery, the more likely your recovery will be satisfactory.
Focus on what you can do, not what you may have lost. Get on with your
life. If you're not working because of the injury, get back to work in
any capacity possible. Don't keep your life on hold waiting for a full
recovery or for more surgery to solve your problems.
There is hope: Most hand tendon injuries
take longer to recover than most other operations elsewhere in the body.
The entire process can be very stressful. Two months after tendon surgery
is the usual time that many people run out of steam, lose faith and get
depressed about their recovery - this is normal. If you feel that this
event has triggered a clinical depression, get professional help for this
- it will help your recovery, not to mention your emotional well being,
and you still may have a way to go - final plateau of recovery may take
about a year. Don't let your finger take over your life - you will eventually
find that you will be able to do much more with your hand than you currently
think possible, despite the changes brought on by the injury.
happens if you have no treatment? |
It depends on what has happened, but unlike
other injuries in the body, cut tendons don't heal well on their own.
If the tendon has been cut through and through,
you won't be able bend one or both of your finger knuckles again.
If the tendon is cut part way through, it
may heal up on its own, or it may tear apart completely a week or two later
- or it may get stuck and stop working.
If you decide to have surgery later, it is
much more of an ordeal - two operations instead of one, and twice as long
to recover.