Replantation revascularization: general notes therapy
General therapy commitment: 1 year
Unless specifically outlined by the replantation therapy protocol, therapy is
often dictated by individual protocols for fracture, tendon injury, nerve
injury, or skin graft as necessary. Mobilization is restricted by vascular
repairs only when there have been postoperative vascular problems or wound
healing problems over the vascular repairs. In that case, only the joints
proximal and distal to the unfavorable wound closure should be immobilized until
the wounds are healed.
When open wounds are present whirlpools may be used for debridement as
Close monitoring for obstruction of venous return or arterial flow is very
important. Adaptations of splints may be necessary for a winder area of contact
so as not to obstruct circulation.
Possible Complications
Prolonged immobilization and/or possible bone grafting may be necessary due to
delayed union or non-union of fractures.
Joint damage and contractures may necessitate capsulotomy/capsulectomy and/or
joint arthroplasty.
Flexion/Extension tendon adhesion/rupture may necessitate further reconstructive
procedures as needed.
Insensate digits may be non-functional or easily injured. The development of
neuromas may cause severe pain problems.
Instructions/precautions against excessive heat, cold, and exposure to
sharp objects is essential when dealing with insensate digits.
Recovery following replantation is often very prolonged and it is essential to
have the patient return to one handed work as soon as possible, as recovery is
often incomplete and stabilization may take as long or longer than a full year.
Also, it is possible that the patient may need revisionary surgery over the
year. The patient should be warned about long term problems with cold
intolerance as well as joint stiffness.
A prolonged phase of psychological adjustment is common with replantation as
with any amputation, and it is common to have troublesome nightmares or
flashbacks for months following the initial injury. The patient must be
counselled about this difficulty as well.
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