The optimum treatment for cubital tunnel syndrome that has
failed conservative management is controversial, and many different
surgical techniques have been described.The steps in this video
demonstrate in situ decompression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow
through a small incision.
Exposure. This is the left elbow; the hand is on the
viewer's right.
Opening the fibroosseous tunnel.
Proximal dissection, unroofing the sheath and incising the
medial intermuscular septum
Distal dissection.
Once the nerve is fully exposed, proximal dissection is up
to about 8 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle, and distal to
the origin of the second motor branch within the substance of the
flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. Proper retractors are very helpful.
Range of motion demomonstrates no subluxation. The deep
surface of the nerve was not disturbed.